Game Preview

Offering Assistance

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  •  English    60     Public
    How to offer assistance to other in situations
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You see your mom carrying a bag of groceries. What can you do to help?
    Bring the bags.
  •  15
  • You see your brother struggling to push a box of his toys. Neither you nor your brother can push the box alone. What can you do to help?
    Push the box with him.
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  • You see your dad trying to backup the car but he cannot see the sides of the car. What can you do to help?
    Stand nearby and tell him when he is getting close to the sides/guide him.
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  • You see your grandparent trying to take their medication but they are too old to read which one of the three medications they have to take. What can you do to help?
    Ask them what medication they need to take/Give them proper medication.
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  • You see your friends struggling with their homework. What can you do to help?
    Do the homework with them/guide them.
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  • You see lots of leaves in the yard and your brother is trying to clear out all the leaves. What can you do to help?
    Offer to clean the yard with him.
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  • Your friend has not eaten anything throughout the day. You have two sandwiches in your lunchbox. What can you do to help?
    Offer a sandwich to them.
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  • Your mom is ran out the door quickly because she is late for work however she forgets her phone. What can you do to help?
    Get the phone and bring it to her BEFORE she leaves for work.
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  • You and your dad is at the grocery store. The store is closing in 20 minutes so you have to move fast to get all the groceries. Your dad has a list of groceries. What can you do to help?
    Split the list among each other and each of you can get the groceries on your list so that you get all the groceries before the store closes.
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  • Your friend is sitting alone eating lunch. What can you do to help?
    Offer to sit beside them to provide company/invite them to sit with you.
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  • You see someone who is afraid of heights trying rock climb. Without rock climbing yourself, what can you do to help?
    Offer words of encouragement.
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  • Your cooking a meal and you know someone is allergic to peanuts but your meal requires peanuts. What can you do to help?
    Make two dishes: one with peanuts and one without peanuts.
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  • Your dad is tired but he has not yet taken the dog for a walk. What can you do to help?
    Take the dog for a walk for him.
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  • You see two kids fight on the playground. What can you do to help?
    Call an adult or try to break up the fight.
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  • You see a 80-year old person who seems ill fall in line BEHIND you at the hospital. What can you do to help?
    You can let them cut in front of you. Since they are really old and ill, they are more in need of treatment then yourself.
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  • You are in class with your friend sitting far away from the front of the board where the teacher is writing down information. Your friend cannot see it because their vision is bad but you can. What can you do to help?
    Read the information on the board to them.
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