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DWK - Revision Before the Test 1

  •  English    20     Public
    Let's revise the book up to page 112.
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  • After dinner, Dad spent 2 hours after dinner working on a miniature of a civil war.
    False: He spent 3 hours.
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  • Greg was looking forward to starting school.
    True. He had a lousy summer
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  • Mom was angry because of Greg’s prank.
    False: she was angry because he lied.
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  • Greg wanted an older girl as a pen friend, but he just got a French boy called Phillipe
    False: His name is Mamadou
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  • Rowley and Greg were watching a movie in which the protagonists invented a new language that only they could understand. However, the kids didn’t... , so they invented their own.
    Get the hang of it
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  • Greg’s mom was really furious with Greg about all his lies. But Greg just thought they were...
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  • Greg was planning to finish playing the joke to Chirag, but he didn't...
    let him off the hook (so easily).
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  • Rodrick's dad was afraid his son wanted to ... and end up living in his house until he's 35.
    follow in Bill's footsteps.
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  • Who said it? - Will you tell us more about your trip? - "Si" Heh heh
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  • Who said it? "The basement is off limits"
    Greg's Dad
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  • Who said it? "But I'm sitting right next to you"
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  • Who said it? "I must be losing my marbles"
    Greg's dad
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  • Greg’s still really annoyed with Rodrick but he can’t say anything to their parents because Rodrick’s threatening with his embarrassing secret. So Greg will try to ... the beans without being too obvious.
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  • Chirab’s family decided to move to a different city but then, they changed their...and came back to Greg’s town.
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  • Telling on Rodrick ... on Greg when he was little. Greg got punished and Rodrick scot free.
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  • Which member of the family did Rodrick and Greg help?
    Their grandma
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