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Ancient Greece

  •  English    24     Public
    Let's learn about Ancient Greece
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  • How many English words come from Ancient Greece?
  •  20
  • Who was the blind poet who wrote the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey?
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  • Which Greek city was the birth of democracy?
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  • Aesop was a Greek man who wrote fables, stories that contained a moral. What was his occupation?
    He was a slave.
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  • How many of the seven wonders of the world were located in Ancient Greece?
    Three (The Colossus of Rhodes, The Temple of Artemis, and The Temple of Zeus)
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  • Who was the king of the Greek gods?
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  • Who was the most famous Greek philosopher and teacher who taught his students to think for themselves and to question everything?
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  • Where did the first Olympic Games take place?
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  • The Parthenon, the famous temple built by the Greek, was dedicated to which god or goddess?
    It was dedicated to Athena
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  • Which musical instrument did Greek boys learn first to play at school?
    The lyre.
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  • What was the second preferred musical instrument in Athenian schools?
    The flute
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  • What was a stylus?
    it was a school object used to write on tablets and erase mistakes. It was usually made of wood, bone, or metal.
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  • Which school object from Ancient Greece was made out of wax and used to write on?
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  • What was a stool?
    It was their 'desk'. It was made out of wood.
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  • Which Greek city-state didn't allow girls to attend school?
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  • What did Athenian boys learn at school?
    They learned reading, writing, philosophy, drama, poetry, history, art, math, and how to play the lyre and the flute.
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