Game Preview

Will and Going to

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  •  English    24     Public
    Will and Going to
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A: Why is she here? B: She ______________ help my sister with her homework.
    She's going to
  •  15
  • A: It’s too cold in here. B: Sorry, I ________ close the window.
  •  15
  • A: Why is she turning on the TV? B: She ____________ watch a football match.
    She's going to
  •  15
  • A: Why do they want so many oranges? B: They _________ make some orange juice.
    are going to
  •  15
  • We need one more player. ______________ (you - play) with us tomorrow?
    Will you play
  •  15
  • A: Do you know how to make a PowerPoint presentation? B: Yes. I ___________ show you.
  •  15
  • I feel awful. I think I _________ to be sick.
    I'm going to
  •  15
  • A: I’m not ready yet. B: That’s ok, I ____________ wait.
  •  15
  • A: Let’s have a party. B: Great idea. I _________ buy the drinks. You can get the food.
  •  15
  • A: Can you keep my secret? B: Of course. I promise I _____________ (not) tell anyone.
    I won't
  •  15
  • A: Let's play tennis tomorrow? B: I’d like to, but _____________ stay in and study for the exam.
    I'm going to
  •  15
  • A: ____________ play basketball after school today? B: No, I have too much work.
    Are you going to
  •  15
  • Look at the dark clouds. It looks like it _____________ rain.
    it's going to
  •  15
  • A: John phoned. B: I know. I _______________ call him back after dinner.
    I'm going to
  •  15
  • A: Why are you carrying a hammer? B: I __________________ put up some pictures.
    I'm going to
  •  15
  • A: Are you busy tonight? Would you like to have coffee? B: Sorry. I __________________ go to the library. I’ve been planning to study all day.
    I'm going to
  •  15