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  •  English    7     Public
    C21 U3 LB pt1
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • My computer froze up. It was streaming a movie I'd already paid for.
    My computer froze up streaming a movie I'd already paid for.
  •  15
  • I am very clumsy. I tripped and broke my brand-new tablet.
    Being very clumsy, I tripped and broke my brand-new tablet.
  •  15
  • Zoe smiled from ear to ear. Zoe took a picture of herself to post on her website.
    Smiling from ear to ear, Zoe took a picture of herself to post on her website.
  •  15
  • Harry invited some friends to join a club. Harry used a social networking site to do this.
    Harry invited some friends to join a club using a social networking site.
  •  15
  • The police implanted the criminal with a microchip. The police easily tracked him to his hideout.
    Having implanted the criminal with a microchip, the police easily tracked him to his hideout.
  •  15
  • Wen learned a lot about cloud computing. Wen was reading TechToday magazine.
    Wen learned a lot about cloud computing reading TechToday magazine.
  •  15
  • Mari just got her first smartphone. Mari now spends all of her extra money on apps.
    Having just gotten her first smartphone, Mari now spends all of her extra money on apps.
  •  15