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Vocabulary game - Exchange programmes

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  •  English    20     Public
    Reading comprehension - guessing words by their definition
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • To get something that gives you the quality of being certain of your abilities or of having trust in people, plans, or the future.
    to gain confidence
  •  15
  • To feel sad that my parents and siblings are not present.
    to miss family
  •  15
  • A system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar belonging or connected to a country that is not your own.
    a foreign language
  •  15
  • An organized plan or program allowing a student to go to another student´s school and stay in his/her family.
    an exchange scheme
  •  15
  • A book that contains a list of words in alphabetical order and explains their meanings, giving a word for them in another language.
    a bilingual dictionary
  •  15
  • A written message from one person to another, usually put in an envelope, expressing that you are grateful because they have given you something or done something for you.
    a thank-you letter
  •  15
  • If you travel abroad, you travel to ..........
    a foreign country
  •  15
  • If you want to know what is acceptable or right for you to wear somewhere, you ask about ....
    suitable clothing
  •  15
  • To get better at speaking, writing and understanding English, German, Italian etc....
    to improve language skills
  •  15
  • To be in contact, although you are far away fro each other.
    to stay in touch
  •  15
  • People stay with them when they are visiting another country.
    a host family
  •  15
  • When you don´t like someone´s suggestion or plan for doing something, you say it isn´t ....
    a good idea
  •  15
  • When you advice someone what to buy to the family you´re staying with, you ...
    recommend a present
  •  15
  • When you have the same thought or belief about something or someone, you ....
    share an opinion
  •  15
  • A place to live or stay during your stay.
  •  10
  • When you keep people interested, amused or enjoying themselves, you ........ them.
  •  10