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Life Functions in Animals

  •  English    25     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Can you name the 4 types of Respiratory systems?
    branchial, tracheal, pulmonary, cutaneous
  •  15
  • What is the waste product of cellular respiration?
    Carbon Dioxide
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  • What is cutaneous respiration?
    Respiration where gas exchange takes place through the skin.
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  • Gills are used in which type of respiration?
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  • What are these?
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  • In Tracheal respiration, air enters the body through small openings on the body called:
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  • Where does gas exchange take place in pulmonary respiration?
    the lungs
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  • Surface area for gas exchange os increased because of these. What are they called?
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  • What are the three types of circulatory liquid?
    Hemolymph, Hydrolymph, blood
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  • What is the circulatory liquid in vertebrates and annelids?
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  • Molluscs and Arthropods have what circulatory liquid?
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  • Echinoderms have a circulatory liquid similar to seawater. What is it called?
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  • These tubes carry blood.
    Blood vessels. (veins, arteries, capillaries)
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  • What is the function of arteries?
    Carry blood away from the heart
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  • What is the function of veins?
    Carry blood back to the heart.
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  • These are tiny blood vessels that exchange substances between cells and the circulatory system.
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