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FF3 Present Continuous

  •  English    24     Public
    Ask and answer questions using present continuous. Play with "Pass button"
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Ask a question: He
    He is reading comics.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: He
    He is skateboarding.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: She
    They are doing gymnastics.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: They
    They are playing chess.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: He
    He is fishing.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: They
    They are playing basketball.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: It
    It is taking photos.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: We
    We are playing volleyball.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: He
    He is playing the guitar.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: She
    She is shopping.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: He
    He is cooking.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: He
    He is painting.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: It
    It is playing the piano.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: They
    They are visiting family.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: He
    He is eating.
  •  15
  • Ask a question: He
    He is playing games.
  •  15