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Danny the Champion of the World: Review

  •  English    25     Public
    End of quarter quiz on class novel
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • When Roald Dahl was 3 years old, two of his family members died. Who were they?
    His father and his sister.
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  • In what country did Roald Dahl attend university?
    Trick question! He didn't attend any university.
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  • How was Roald Dahl injured during World War II?
    His plane crashed over Libya.
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  • What does the BFG carry in his suitcase?
    sleeping children
    a blowpipe
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  • What kind of car did Danny drive to save his father?
    A Baby Austin
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  • Danny’s grandfather always tested his methods for catching pheasants on _________.
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  • The method for catching pheasants that involves a paper cone, glue, and raisins is called ________.
    The Sticky Hat
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  • The method for catching pheasants that Danny invents is called ___________.
    The Sleeping Beauty
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  • What method does Doc Spencer use to catch trout?
    He tickles them.
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  • According to Danny’s father, the best time to poach pheasants is __________.
    twilight (before they roost)
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  • How many pheasants do Danny and his father poach in Hazell’s wood?
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  • How many pheasants do Danny and his father have at the end of the story?
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  • After Doc Spencer sees Victor Hazell kick Spencer’s dog,
    He refuses to have Victor Hazell as a patient ever again.
    He pokes Mr. Hazell with a needle that isn’t sharp.
    He offers free treatment to anyone who poaches from Mr. Haze
    He puts sugar in Mr. Hazell’s gas tank.
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  • When Danny and his father return to the woods, Danny’s father
    is afraid of falling into another pit.
    is worried that Danny might get shot by a keeper.
    is worried the pheasants will die from the sleeping powder.
    realizes that the pheasants might not fall out of the trees.
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  • After the night that they poach Mr. Hazell’s pheasants, Danny and his father arrive home
    on foot.
    in a carriage.
    in the Baby Austin.
    in a taxi.
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  • Danny and his father leave the pheasants at the vicarage because
    they don’t want to get caught with the pheasants.
    The taxi driver lives in town; Danny lives in the country.
    they don’t have a refrigerator or an oven.
    the vicar and his wife love pheasants.
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