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Active Passive Voioce - Std VI

  •  English    25     Public
    To test the knowledge on Active Passive Voice
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Which form of verb is used for Passive voice?
    Past Participle - V3
  •  15
  • When the subject does the work, the sentence is in ________ voice
  •  15
  • When the subject is acted upon by someone, the sentence is in ___________ voice.
  •  15
  • Forms of verb for drive _______ ___________
    drove, driven
  •  15
  • Forms of verb for fly ________ _________
    flew, flown
  •  15
  • Change the voice : Thomas Edison invented the electric bulb.
    The electric bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.
  •  15
  • They pay her an excellent salary.
    An excellent salary is paid to her.
  •  15
  • They haven’t delivered the food yet.
    The food hasn't been delivered yet.
  •  15
  • My sister has found two hungry puppies.
    Two hungry puppies have been found by my sister.
  •  15
  • Fiona told the truth to Julian
    The truth was told to Julian by Fiona.
  •  15
  • They were painting the walls when I left.
    The walls were being painted when I left.
  •  15
  • Dad is making pancakes.
    Pancakes are being made by dad.
  •  15
  • Annie is feeding her horse.
    Her horse is being fed by her.
  •  15
  • The doctor has x-rayed my leg.
    My leg has been x-rayed by the doctor.
  •  15
  • People will colonise Mars in future.
    Mars will be colonised by people in future.
  •  15
  • The students are studying passive voice.
    Passive voice is being studied by the students.
  •  15