Game Preview

_____ CAN _______/ _____ has ________

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  •  English    28     Public
    Arctic Animals
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What can the polar bear do?
    A polar bear can swim.
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  • What can a polar bear do?
    A polar bear can hunt for food.
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  • What can a polar bear do?
    A polar bear can play.
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  • What can a polar bear do?
    A polar bear can slide on the ice.
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  • What can a seal do?
    A seal can swim.
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  • What can a seal do?
    A seal can take care of it's baby.
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  • What can a seal do?
    A seal can sit in the snow.
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  • What can an Arctic owl do?
    A owl can camouflage.
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  • What can a Arctic owl do?
    A owl can fly.
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  • What can an Arctic owl do?
    A owl can hunt for food.
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  • What can a beluga whale do?
    A beluga whale can swim.
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  • What can a beluga whale do?
    A beluga whale can break the ice.
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  • What can a arctic fox do?
    A fox can jump.
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  • What can a arctic fox do?
    A fox can run.
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  • What can a arctic fox do?
    A fox can camouflage.
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  • What can a arctic hare do?
    A hare can camouflage.
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