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KET - collocations

  •  English    26     Public
    choose the correct words
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • When I go camping with my friends, I always _____ (A. enjoy, B. have, C. spend) a brilliant time.
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  • My mum’s family are from Argentina and I love ____ (A. being. B. feeling, C. spending) time with them when we go there for holidays.
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  • I collect old watches, and finding an unusual one gives me a fantastic ____ (A. time, B. laugh, C. feeling) .
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  • When you do a free-time activity, the most important thing is to (A. enjoy, B. laugh, C. play) yourself.
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  • Everyone was really ____ (A. great, B. fun, C. glad) when Georgina won the photography prize – her photos were much more interesting than anyone else’s.
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  • We talk on the phone every day now so we’ve become really ............ (A. old, B. close) friends.
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  • His number is not in my ............ (A. relatives, B. contacts) list so I can’t phone him.
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  • My ............ (A. best friend, B. penfriend) moved to a new school last month. I really miss her.
    best friend
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  • Sara and Isabel are ............ (A. old friends, B. classmates) of my mum’s. They met at work 15 years ago.
    old friend
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  • My ............ (A. neighbour, B. penfriend) is teaching me Italian. I’m going to meet him for the first time when he comes to stay with me in Wales next month.
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  • At our school, we ____ (get, go, take) exams at the end of every term.
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  • Last summer we ___ (get, go, take) paddle boarding when we were on holiday. It was amazing!
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  • I ___ (get, go,take) back from school at about 5.30 every day.
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  • My friends ___ ( get, go, take) sailing this afternoon at the activity centre.
    are going
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  • Our flight was at 6.00 in the morning, so we ___ (get, go, take) up at 3.00.
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  • ___ (get, go, take) the third turning on the left after the supermarket. That’s the quickest way to my house.
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