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  •  English    10     Public
    Drug Overview
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What are medicines that can be sold only with a written order from a physician?
    Prescription Medicines
  •  10
  • Drugs that affect your thoughts and emotions in unpredictable ways, disrupting the ability to think straight (LSD, ecstasy, etc.)
  •  10
  • Type of drug that fires up the CNS & heart rate (amphetamines, cocaine, diet aids, etc.)
  •  5
  • Medicines that are safe enough to be taken without a written order from a physician are known as?
    Over the Counter (OTC) Medicines
  •  10
  • Intentionally using drugs in a way that is unhealthy or illegal is known as
    Drug Abuse
  •  10
  • Physical or psychological need for a drug
  •  10
  • Drugs that are gaseous chemicals that block the flow of oxygen to the brain (common household items, spray paint, etc.)
  •  15
  • Drugs that are highly addictive medicines that target your brain’s ”reward system” (heroin, hydrocodone, etc.)
  •  15
  • Drugs that relax the central nervous system, making you feel numb and sleepy (alcohol, Valium, Xanax, etc.)
  •  5
  • Will drug use in high school have an effect on my future?
  •  5