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Top 4 Answers Are on the Board / Family Fortunes

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  •  English    28     Public
    Family Feud meets Outburst - Team provides 3 responses. If one is on the answer list, they get 5 points, 2 matches for 10 points, 3 for 25 points. Thank you to the original
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  • Things you fry
    fish, potatoes, bacon, egg
  •  25
  • Dance types
    ballet, salsa, tap, street
  •  25
  • Things in outer space
    Jupiter, asteroids, stars, satellites
  •  25
  • Liquids
    milk, water, dish soap, coffee
  •  25
  • Things associated with pirates
    eye patch, hook, flag, treasure
  •  25
  • Stringed instruments
    guitar, cello, violin, base
  •  25
  • cleaning supplies
    sponge, broom, vacuum, toilet brush
  •  25
  • Things you wear on your feet
    slippers, boots, flip flops, socks
  •  25
  • Disney villains
    Cruella, Malificent, Captain Hook, Ursula
  •  25
  • Marvel villains
    Joker, Penguin, Harlequin, Venom
  •  25
  • Things you sharpen
    pencil, knives, lawn mower blades, skills
  •  25
  • Things that melt
    ice cream, ice, snowman, popsicle
  •  25
  • Things that grow
    flowers, trees, fingernails, babies/children
  •  25
  • Things lots of people don't like to do
    clean, get up in the morning, homework, go to bed
  •  25
  • vegetables that aren't green
    cauliflower, carrots, corn, potatoes
  •  25
  • Things people jump in
    pools, trampolines, beds, puddles
  •  25