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  •  English    10     Public
    About the Metal, Reaction with Water, Found as Limestone and Gypsum, Coral Reefs, Stalactites, Hard water & Soft water
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  • What is the Symbol of Calcium?
  •  15
  • Describe the Calcium Metal
    White Silvery Soft Metal
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  • How does it react with Water? What gas is given out? How do you test the gas?
    Reacts Vigorously. Hydrogen gas is given out - Pop sound
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  • In what form is Calcium found on Earth? Name the rocks/ stones
    Limestone, Marble, Gypsum, Sandstone
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  • Why is Limestone used in Construction?
    It is strong , Hard and Durable
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  • What are Stalagmites and Stalactites? Where is it found?
    Rock formations inside caves. When water evaporates, it leaves behind Calcium deposits
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  • What happens when calcium levels in our blood is low?
    1) Cannot perform functions efficiently 2) Takes it out of our bones, then bones become weak
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  • What is present in hard water that makes it hard and inefficient?
    Calcium and Magnesium particles
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  • Why is Hard water difficult to use?
    1) Doesnot lather 2) Leaves a coating on utensils and taps 3) Difficult to wash clothes
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  • Why do you think the Taj Mahal has stood for so long in all kinds of weather conditions?
    Because its made of Limestone. It is strong , hard and durable
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