Game Preview

A1.2 | Animals

  •  English    13     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Name the animal: It is a small yellow bird that people often keep as a pet.
  •  15
  • Name the animal: It is a small animal that looks like a mouse with no tail.
  •  15
  • Name the animal: It is a slow-moving land animal that can pull its head and legs into the hard round shell that covers its body.
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  • Name the animal:It is a small South American animal bred for its fur.
  •  15
  • Translate into English: Боббі більший за Джонні і більш товариський. Джонні не дуже приязний і може вкусити.
    Bobby is bigger than Johnny and he's more outgoing. Johnny isn't very friendly and he can bite
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  • Translate into English: Я виснажений! Думаю, завтра зранку мені слід спати досхочу.
    I'm exhausted! I think I should have a lie-in tomorrow morning.
  •  15
  • Correct the mistake: Fish are the third more popular pet in the USA
    Fish are the third most popular pet in the USA
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  • Correct the mistake: They are more cheaper then other pets.
    They are cheaper then other pets.
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  • Make a sentence: When / dogs / usually / yawn?
    When do dogs usually yawn?
  •  15
  • Make a sentence: What / parrots / usually / eat?
    What do parrots usually eat?
  •  15
  • Translate into Ukrainian: Toby's a good dog! He's polite and outgoing! He can't do any harm!
    Тобі хороша собака! Він вічливий та дружній, він не може зробити нічого поганого!
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  • Translate into Ukrainian: What does your chinchilla eat? - She likes celery and carrots. Look! Now she’s eating a salad leaf.
    - Що їсть твоя шинилла? - Вона любить селеру та моркву. Дивися, зараз вона їсть салатний листочок!
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  • What do we call this action?
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