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  •  English    52     Public
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  • What does the term 'sluggish' mean?
    Delaying tasks deliberately
    Slow-moving, lacking energy
    Resistant to change
    Doing nothing, avoiding work
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  • If you spread yourself too thin,
    you become physically wider due to eating
    you become highly focused on one specific area of expertise
    you become overwhelmed by taking on too many tasks or responsibilities
    you become too rigid in your approach to tasks
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  • What does it mean to cut corners?
    To take shortcuts or do something in a quick and careless manner
    To follow the most direct route to a destination
    To carefully craft corners for a project or a design
    To physically slice the corners off an object
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  • What does it mean to burn the candle at both ends?
    To work very late into the night and start early, thus getting little rest
    To light candles on both sides of the room for extra light
    To carefully manage time and energy for maximum productivity
    To waste resources excessively
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  • What does it mean if you say: "No rest for the wicked.
    Evil individuals never sleep
    A humorous way to say that there is a lot of work to do
    Wickedness is only temporary and if difficult to maintain
    Only bad people deserve relaxation
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  • What is Acrophobia?
    Fear of heights
    Fear of hanging upside down
    Fear of crowded places
    Fear of flying
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  • What does it mean to shake like a leaf?
    To shiver from excitement or anticipation
    To sway gently in the wind mimicking the movement of leaves
    To tremble uncontrollably due to fear or being cold
    To express strong emotions through physical gestures
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  • If you are lackadaisical, you
    are highly energetic and motivated
    are careless and lazy in your approach to tasks
    are meticulous and detail oriented
    are overly cautious and risk-averse
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  • If you veg out, you
    relax or laze around, often in front of the TV
    engage in vigorous exercise
    eat too many vegetables
    Meditate deeply to clear your mind
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  • If you slack off, you
    delegate tasks to others to lighten your work
    waste time or procrastinate instead of doing work
    take a break to relax and recharge
    work diligently to accomplish tasks
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  • What does it mean to pass the buck?
    To make a decision or decisively
    To avoid taking responsibility by shifting it to someone else
    To gamble with high stakes
    To delegate tasks efficiently
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  • If someone has a green thumb, they
    possess an unusual affinity for the color green
    are envious of others' success
    enjoy wearing green colored clothing
    have a knack for gardening and growing plants successfully
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  • What is a conundrum?
    A difficult problem or puzzle
    A musical instrument
    A type of dance
    A type of fruit
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  • If I take something with a grain of salt,
    I doubt or distrust it
    I do something with little effort
    I use a small amount of salt when cooking
    I believe it completely without questioning it
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  • What is the meaning of the word 'obsolete'?
    No longer in use
    Something that was once popular
    Sentimental longing for the past
    Outdated and old-fashioned
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  • What is the definition of 'phobia'?
    Anxiety and unease
    Extreme fear or aversion
    Sudden overwhelming anxiety
    Fear of heights
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