Game Preview

Go Getter 2 Unit 5

  •  English    16     Public
    To revise past simple was were
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Where were you last week?
    I was at the library.
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  • Were you happy yesterday?
    No, I wasn't. I was worried.
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  • На тарілці не було мафінів
    There weren't any muffins on the plate.
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  • Вибачте! Як мені пройти до цирку?
    Excuse me! How can I get to the circus?
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  • Де лікарня? - Ідіть прямо! Поверніть наліво, лікарня навпроти парку.
    Where's the hospital? - Go straight on! Turn left, the hospital is opposite the park.
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  • Ми були в музеї два тижні тому
    We were at the museum two weeks ago.
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  • _________ he asleep at 7 am yesterday? - Yes, he ______.
    Was, was
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  • Where was she at 10 o'clock in the morning?
    She was at the bus stop.
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  • How was the film?
    It was awesome.
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  • Was she excited at the weekend?
    No, she wasn't. She was angry.
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  • Фільм почнеться через 5 хвилин
    The film starts in 5 minutes.
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  • У мого велосипеда спустило колесо
    My bike's got a flat tyre.
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  • Актори були дивовижні!
    Actors were amazing!
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  • Ми не були на канікулах в Іспанії минулого літа.
    We weren't on holidays in Spain last summer.
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  • Ресторан зліва чи справа?
    Is the restaurant on the left or on the right?
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  • Школа далеко від твого дому?
    Is the school far from your house?
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