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CAE Beauty

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  • What did Queen Elizabeth I use to achieve her desired pale complexion?
    Lead face powder.
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  • What symptoms did people experience from using lead face powder?
    Grey hair, very dry skin, stomach aches, swollen brains, and death.
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  • Who made arsenic pills famous in the 1850s?
    James F. W. Johnston, a Scottish agricultural chemist.
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  • How did arsenic pills affect the skin?
    They made the skin pale by destroying red blood cells.
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  • What happened to a young lady mentioned in an American newspaper article from July 1880 due to taking arsenic pills?
    She gradually lost her sight.
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  • What was the consequence of taking arsenic pills for 18-year-old Hildegarde Walton in 1911?
    She died after taking several boxes of pills.
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  • What plant was used in eye drops by women until the late 19th century to make their eyes look more attractive?
    Deadly nightshade or belladonna.
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  • What were the effects of using deadly nightshade eye drops?
    Sight problems, blindness, serious health problems, and death.
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  • What dangerous ingredient was found in the slimming pills that Eloise Aimee Parry bought online?
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  • What happened to Eloise Aimee Parry after taking the slimming pills?
    She tragically died.
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  • What is a common factor among all the historical and contemporary examples mentioned regarding beauty products?
    They pose significant health risks, including death.
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  • How did people in the past perceive pale skin in terms of beauty?
    It was considered fashionable and beautiful.
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  • What did deadly nightshade eye drops cause in addition to making the eyes look more attractive?
    Serious health problems and eventual death.
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  • What is the main danger associated with using unregulated health and beauty products purchased over the internet?
    They can contain dangerous ingredients that pose significant health risks.
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  • What motivated people to use lead face powder despite its harmful effects?
    It was cheap and fashionable at the time.
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  • What dominates the first 20 search hits when you type "beauty" into a search engine?
    Women's beauty salons, hair, cosmetics, and related topics.
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