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How do you feel?

  •  English    28     Public
    health problems
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • My head hurts...
    I have a headache
  •  15
  • My back hurts...
    I have a backache
  •  15
  • My stomach hurts...
    I have a stomachache
  •  15
  • My ear hurts...
    I have an earache
  •  15
  • My tooth hurts...
    I have a toothache
  •  15
  • My throat hurts...
    I have a sore throat
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  • The temperature of my body is very high...
    I have a fever
  •  15
  • My nose is vey wet...
    I have a runny nose
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  • My stomach/chest is burning...
    I have a heartburn
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  • My skin is very red and itchy...
    I have an allergy
  •  15
  • My neck hurts...
    I have a stiff neck
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  • I have a purple mark...
    I have a bruise
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  • My eyes are red and dry...
    I have dry eyes
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  • I'm coughing a lot...
    I have a cough
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  • I have a runny nose, a cough and I'm sneezing a lot...
    I have a cold
  •  15
  • I have a fever, a headache and my body is sore
    I have the flu
  •  15