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Complete First 3rd Ed > Unit 5

  •  English    44     Public
    Vocabulary from unit 5: Work and education
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  • A university teacher who teaches a small group of students.
    a tutor
  •  25
  • Study something in detail in order to discover new information: r_______
  •  15
  • Someone who is learning something: l______
    a learner
  •  5
  • Check a piece of work or an exam, showing the mistakes and giving a number or letter to say how good it is.
  •  20
  • Permission to study at college, university, etc.
  •  25
  • A successful result in a test or course.
  •  10
  • Another way to say "take an exam": "___ an exam"
  •  10
  • Something that is needed or demanded for a course: "course r__________"
  •  15
  • The possibility of being successful at finding work: "job p________"
  •  15
  • To feel better after someone or something has made you unhappy, or after an illness
    get over
    look back
    put off
    get away with
  •  15
  • To be as good as you expected.
    catch up with
    get through
    win over
    live up to
  •  10
  • What does "hand (something) back" mean?
    return something that was given to you
  •  10
  • Anthony ... cheating in the exam. The teachers didn't notice and so he wasn't punished.
    took up
    lived up to
    got away with
    got through
  •  10
  • Tell someone about some information, often because you believe they do not know it or have forgotten it.
    point out
    point to
    point about
    point up
  •  10
  • "The meeting has been put off until tomorrow" If you "put something off" it means that you...
    delay an event or activity until a later time
  •  15
  • What is the noun form of "qualify" ?
  •  15