Game Preview

2nd Conditional Mistakes

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  •  English    27     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • If someone offer to tell you your future, would you want to know it?
    If someone offered to tell you your future, would you want to know it?
  •  15
  • If there was a holiday in a haunted house available, would you paid money to go there?
    If there was a holiday in a haunted house available, would you pay money to go there?
  •  20
  • If your friend tolds you they had seen a ghost, would you believe them?
    If your friend told you they had seen a ghost, would you believe them?
  •  15
  • If you heard strange noises at night, would you believing it was a ghost?
    If you heard strange noises at night, would you believe it was a ghost?
  •  15
  • Would you want to came back as a ghost if you could?
    Would you want to come back as a ghost if you could?
  •  20
  • Would you communicate with the dead if you could it?
    Would you communicate with the dead if you could do it? || Would you communicate with the dead if you could?
  •  20
  • What you do if you wanted to make your brother or sister believe there was a ghost in the house?
    What would you do if you wanted to make your brother or sister believe there was a ghost in the house?
  •  20
  • If someone would tell you a ghost story just before you went to sleep, would you have nightmares?
    If someone told you a ghost story just before you went to sleep, would you have nightmares?
  •  20
  • If there was a graveyard that everyone said was haunted, will you go into it at midnight for a dare?
    If there was a graveyard that everyone said was haunted, would you go into it at midnight for a dare?
  •  15
  • If you were a ghost, who you would haunt?
    If you were a ghost, who would you haunt?
  •  15
  • If you see a television documentary about ghosts, would you believe it?
    If you saw a television documentary about ghosts, would you believe it?
  •  15
  • If I did knew her name, I would tell you.
    If I knew her name, I would tell you.
  •  15
  • Where would you like to live if you would live anywhere in the world?
    Where would you like to live if you could live anywhere in the world?
  •  20
  • If we would have a bigger flat, we could invite friends to come and stay.
    If we had a bigger flat, we could invite friends to come and stay.
  •  20
  • If I would know that, I wouldn’t tell you.
    If I knew that, I wouldn’t tell you.
  •  15
  • If I were you, I should listen to your parents
    If I were you, I would listen to your parents
  •  20