Game Preview


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  •  English    17     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • We need light so that we can see the world around us. The Sun is a natural source of light. Name two human-made sources of light.
    Candle, torchlight, phone's light, lamp, fire
  •  15
  • will there be light? why
    Yes because, there is a battery, bulb, wire all well connected and the switch is closed.
  •  15
  • Scientists use the characteristics of life to find out if an organism is alive. How many characteristics of life are there?
  •  15
  • Name two characteristics of life
    2. Movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion, nutrition
  •  15
  • tick the boxes
    animal, vertebrate, mammals or 3 left boxes
  •  15
  • Electricity can be studied in science lessons. What piece of equipment would you use to measure the current in a circuit?
  •  15
  • what is the symbol for ammeter?
  •  15
  • Shadows are formed when light meets materials with a specific property. Which property casts the best shadow?
  •  15
  • A & C
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  • how are fossils formed?
    Mold and cast; when living things die on riverbed, they are covered by soil, after millions of years, they become fossils.
  •  15
  • how old are fossils?
    millions of years
  •  15
  • answer the question
    heart- blood
  •  15
  • give one example of a fossil
    horse, corals, dinosaurs, ferns ....
  •  15
  • Fossil records show that the legs of horses have increased in length. Explain how this has helped them to survive.
    it makes them run faster from danger
  •  15
  • Explain why fossils of sea fish can be found at the top of mountains.
    earthquakes and tectonic movements causes them to rise up.
  •  15
  • one example of opaque objects.
    walls, tables. etc
  •  15