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EVERYBODY UP 5_Unit 5 _ Lesson 3 _ The recital

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  •  English    24     Public
    EVERYBODY UP 5_Unit 5 _ Lesson 3 _ The recital
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is Julie doing?
    Julie is talking violin lessons with her teacher, Mr. Miller.
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  • When will her recital be?
    Her recital will be in two weeks.
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  • To be ready for the recital, what does Mr. Miller ask Emma to do?
    Mr. Miller asks Emma to practice everyday for forty five minutes.
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  • Does Julie practice her violin every day?
    No, she doesn't. She doesn't practice her violin very often.
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  • What does Emma do every day after school?
    Emma comes to Julie's house every day after school.
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  • What do Julie and Emma do at Julie's house?
    They play video games, design clothes and listen to music.
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  • When does Mr . Miller listen to Julie play?
    a week later
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  • How does Mr. Miller feel when he listens to Julie plays?
    He is worried.
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  • Is Julie ready for the recital? Why or Why not?
    No, she isn't because he didn't practice every day.
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  • How long does Julie practice each day?
    Julie practices for an hour each day.
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  • How does she play at the recital?
    She plays beautifully at the recital.
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  • How do her parents and her teach feel?
    They are very proud.
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  • What does Julie learn?
    Julie learns that to be really good at something, she has to work hard at it!
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  • At the recital, Julie plays carelessly. [TRUE or FALSE]
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  • Julie is taking piano lessons with her teacher, Mr. Miller. [TRUE or FALSE]
    FALSE. Julie is taking VIOLIN lessons....
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  • Mr. Miller asks Julie to practice every day for an hour to be ready for the recital in two months. [TRUE or FALSE]
    FALSE. Mr. Miller asks Julie to practice every day for FORTY FIVE MINUTES to be ready for the recital in TWO WEEKS.
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