Game Preview


  •  English    15     Public
    Chapters 7-8
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Mention some important parts of the creature's story.
    -Frankestein ran away from him. - People threw stones at him- He saved a girls from drowning but people still hated him.
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  • Where did the monster live/ hide?
    an old hut in the woods.
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  • What could he see through the hole in the wall? What did he learn?
    He saw an old man, a girl and Felix, a young man. The monster learnt how to read and write
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  • What happened when he visited the old man?
    He was very friendly but when his family arrived, they screamed and Felix hit him with a stick
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  • How did the monster find Frankenstein's family?
    He found a book with his name, address and the description of the experiment.
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  • Who did he see when he arrived at Geneva? What did he do to him?
    He found William. He killed him because he didn't stop screaming.
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  • How did he kill William?
    He broke his neck
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  • What did the monster ask Frankenstein to do?
    To make a wife for him
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  • What did the monster threaten to do to Frankenstein's family?
    To killl them if he doesn't make him a wife.
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  • Where did Frankenstein set up his laboratory?
    In the north of Scotland in an island
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  • Why did Frankenstein destroy his work when he saw the monster?
    He realised the madness of what he was doing
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  • Why were there so many people on the quay?
    A man had been killed and a man with a boat was the killer.
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  • Who had been killed?
    Henry Clerval, Victor's best friend
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  • Why did they have to get Victor's father?
    Because Victor was in a terrible state after Henry's death.
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  • What did Elizabeth ask Victor in her letter?
    Do you still want to marry me? Are you in love with another woman?
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