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Questions review 1A B2.2

  •  English    24     Public
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  • Manchester united won this weekend's match
    Who won the match?
  •  10
  • Mary ended up crying at the party
    What happened at the party?
  •  10
  • 3 people went to class last Monday
    How many people went to class last Monday?
  •  10
  • I went to the cinema with john
    Who did you go to the cinema with?
  •  15
  • I work for a multinational company
    What company do you work for?
  •  20
  • We usually talk about sports
    What do you usually talk about?
  •  20
  • The book is based on a novel by a Russian writer.
    What is the book based on?
  •  15
  • I am waiting for my husband
    Who are you waiting for?
  •  15
  • I dreamt about our old house in Cornwall
    What did you dream about?
  •  20
  • I don't know the answer. How many times do I have/ I do have/ I have to tell you?
    do I have
  •  15
  • I don't know why he's always/ why is he always/ so unhappy.
    why he's always
  •  15
  • Do you have any idea when the results will be published/ when the results will be published/ will the results be published?
    the results will be published
  •  20
  • How many people did you call/ you call/ you called for the party?
    did you call
  •  10
  • I wonder how long this cold weather will last/ how long will this cold weather last/ how this cold weather will last
    how long this cold weather will last
  •  20
  • Did she tell you how often should you take the vitamins/ you should take the vitamins/ do you take the vitamins?
    you should take the vitamins
  •  15
  • I'd like to know whether can I use the new product for the experiment/ if can I use the new product/ whether I can use the new product for the experiment
    whether I can use the new product
  •  20