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Bilingual 5 Review

  •  English    24     Public
    Let's remember some things we studied.
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  • TRUE or FALSE: The six parts of the plants are: roots, stem/trunk, leaves, flower, fruit, and seeds.
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  • What part of the plant is the carrot?
    The carrot is a root.
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  • What part of the plant is the broccoli?
    The broccoli is a flower.
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  • What part of the plant is rice?
    Rice is a seed.
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  • What are the five systems of the human body we studied?
    They are the excretory system, the digestive system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, and the nervous system.
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  • TRUE or FALSE: The kidneys, the ureter, the bladder, and the urethra are organs that belong to the digestive system.
    False. They belong to the excretory system.
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  • Which organ is responsible for digesting food with powerful gastric juices that dissolve it?
    The stomach is.
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  • Which organ is very thin, but very long, being 6.7 meters long?
    The small intestine is.
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  • What is an herbivore?
    It is an animal that feeds on plants. Herbivores are also called primary consumers.
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  • What is a carnivore?
    It is an animal that feeds on meat. Carnivores are also called secondary consumers.
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  • What are producers? Why are they called this name?
    Producers are organisms that produce their own food, such as plants.
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  • What are decomposers? Can you give examples?
    Decomposers are organisms that feed on dead plants or animals. Funghi and bacteria are examples of decomposers.
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  • What are biomes?
    Biomes are areas on Earth where climate, vegetation, and animals are similar.
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  • Can you mention four examples of biomes?
    Personal answer.
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  • What is the vegetation like in the desert?
    There are very few plants, mostly succulent plants, such as the cactus.
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  • What is the climate like in the rainforest?
    It rains a lot, and it's always warm.
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