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Frankenstein Chapters 3-4

  •  English    13     Public
    Chs 3-4
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Who was Professor Waldman and what was he about to make?
    He was an old man but his mind was sharp as a razor. He was about to make a discovery that would change the way we see the world forever.
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  • What did Frankenstein do before he could help the professor in his work? What happened when he went to se the Professor?
    Victor studied every paper he had written. The professor told him that he was dying so he wanted to destroy all his work.
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  • Why was the professor's work dangerous?
    Because it was dangerous to be able to create life If the wrong people got hold of his research.
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  • Why did Frankenstein offer to help the professor destroy his work? How did he do it?
    Victor had an amazing memory so he would try to remember everything while they destroyed it and write it down later.
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  • How did the professor know Victor would destroy his work? What did Victor notice about the professor's work?
    They would destroy it together. As they destroyed the work, Victor saw how close he was to breaking the code of life.
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  • What did the professor say in the end?
    He asked Victor to promise to forget everything he had seen and then he died.
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  • What was Frankenstein going to use to give life to the body? How did he know?
    Electricity was the secret. He knew when he saw lightning burning a giant tree in the mountain.
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  • What did Frankenstein do to create the perfect man?
    He used different parts from many bodies and he used Professor Waldmann's brain.
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  • What did he do when he saw flashes of lightning in the sky?
    He used a kite to attract the electricity he needed.
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  • What was the man's face like?
    The electricity had burned the skin and it was yellow and wrinkled. It was like the face of a skeleton.
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  • How did Frankenstein feel and what did he do after he saw the man?
    He was frightened. He screamed and ran away because he thought he could kill him.
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  • What happened to Frankenstein soon after he saw the man?
    He fell ill and took him a month to recover. He stayed with Henry, his friend.
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  • What was the letter he received about?
    It was about William, his brother. he was murdered.
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