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Descriptive verbs

  •  English    8     Public
    Choose the correct options (a, b, or c) to complete the sentences.
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  • All we could hear was the sound of water...............somewhere in the darkness. a. crunching b. trickling c.hissing
    b. trickling
  •  25
  • As Giles reached forward, the branch.....................under him and he fell to the ground. a. snapped b. rumbled c.crunched
    a. snapped
  •  20
  • The old it was tossed around by the waves. a. snapped b. groaned c.growled
    b. groaned
  •  15
  • The a halt, narrowly missing the bus coming the other way. a. screeched b. crunched c. trickled
    a. screeched
  •  25
  • From the long grass beside him, it was clear there was a snake nearby. a. hissing b. snapping c. crunching
    a. hissing
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  • Angry at the decision, I left the room, ................the door behind me. a. groaning b. creaking c. slamming
    c. slamming
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  • The chair...............under his weight as he tried to put the suitcase back on top of the wardrobe. a. slammed, b. crunched c. creaked
    c. creaked
  •  15
  • They sat staring at each other, the silence broken only by the occasional lorry..............past the window. a. groaning b. rumbling c. creaking
    b. rumbling
  •  25