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GEN-101 Set 2

  •  English    24     Public
    Reading Workshop Vocabulary
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Anthropologist
    one who studies the physical, social, and cultural development and behavior of human beings
  •  15
  • Anthropology
    a study of the physical, social, and cultural development and behavior of human beings
  •  15
  • Anthropomorphism
    the attributing of human form or characteristics to a god, animal, or inanimate thing
  •  15
  • Misanthrope
    one who hates people
  •  15
  • Philanthropist
    one who loves people, particularly one who gives money to benefit humanity
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  • Antagonize
    the act of incurring or provoking hostility
  •  15
  • Antibiotic
    a substance produced by a microorganism that destroys other harmful (living) microorganisms
  •  15
  • Antidote
    a medicine that counteracts (works against) poison or disease
  •  15
  • Antarctica
    the continent opposite the Arctic; region at the North Pole
  •  15
  • Antithesis
    the exact opposite
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  • Autocracy
    government by a single person
  •  15
  • Automation
    an apparatus that functions by itself; a robot
  •  15
  • Autonomic
    pertaining to the autonomic nervous system, which acts according to its own (self) laws rather than through voluntary control [it regulates the hearts, digestiv
  •  15
  • Autonomy
    the right of self-government
  •  15
  • Autopsy
    an examination of a dead body to discover the cause of death
  •  15
  • Benediction
    a speaking of good wishes; a blessing
  •  15