Game Preview

Size of the Problem

  •  English    14     Public
    Recognizing how big a problem something may be, and how we can think about our reactions.
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  • How big of a problem is not following teacher's directions?
    Medium sized problem, unless you don't apologize, then it can get bigger.
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  • What size problem is it when you trample your mom's roses in her yard.
    small or medium, depends on how your mom feels about it, right?
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  • What size of a problem is it when a fire breaks out in your kitchen?
    Huge, puts your body into the Red Zone, so you can protect yourself.
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  • You get caught cheating on your test, what are the consequences of this?
    Bad grade, a visit to the principal, lose your teacher's trust.
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  • How big a problem is breaking your mom's iphone?
    Big! Hope you have several hundred dollars to give her.
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  • How does you body feel when you break your mom's I-Phone?
    Yellow zone, jittery, ready to run. (Scared)
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  • What size problem is it when you accidentally bump into someone, and nobody gets hurt?
    No problem, as long as you apologize, and they are okay.
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  • How might your body feel if there is a fire in your kitchen?
    Lot's of energy, getting your body to safety. (Red Zone - Frightened)
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  • If you talk back to a staff member or a parent, what Zone will they be in?
    They will feel disrespected and be very irritated, so Yellow at best.
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  • How can you help yourself calm down when you are over-reacting to a problem?
    Drink bubbles
    Use an I-Statement "I feel angry, because ... I need.." It
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  • What size problem is it when you push another student?
    Big, especially if you hurt them.
    Little, they wanted to be pushed
    Depends how big the person is.
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  • If you feel your body in the yellow zone before a test, what could you do to calm down?
    Write a letter to your mom
    Say I can do this, and take some breaths.
    Hide under your desk
    Do a happy dance in front of the class
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  • What size problem is it when you miss the ball when it is your turn in kickball?
    Huge, I don't want to miss!
    Big, the ball is big.
    small problem, take a five deep breaths and get back in line
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  • What zone are you in if you are on a plane and the plane starts on fire.
    Blue, how boring
    Black, I'd faint
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