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Unit 15 Listening 1 vocab

  •  English    13     Public
    Objective Proficiency vocab
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A golden handshake
    a financial reward for long service
  •  15
  • cut their teeth
    to get experience
  •  15
  • progress up the rungs
    to climb the career ladder/improve in your chosen field
  •  15
  • a mixed blessing
    something that is both good and bad
  •  15
  • dog-eat-dog world
    a fiercely competitve environment
  •  15
  • the slightest whiff of
    a tiny bit of
  •  15
  • snapped up
    recruited immediately
  •  15
  • a track record
    evidence of previous experiences (good or bad)
  •  20
  • mindset
    way of thinking
  •  20
  • the jury's still out
    people haven't decided yet
  •  25
  • a quantum leap
    a huge improvement
  •  20
  • quick fixes
    simple/instant solutions, often a failure
  •  20
  • keep their heads down
    avoid trouble by being quiet and keeping out of the way
  •  20