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Evaluation and Assessment

  •  English    17     Public
    evaluating, assessing and testing YLs
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  • What's a test washback effect?
    teaching is focused on test preparation and there's less time to do fun tasks (songs, games, stories, etc.)
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  • 3 negatives of testing
    stressful, low grades can discourage learners, mainly knowledge is tested, skills are often excluded
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  • According to Vygotsky, what should tests include and why?
    help of the others (peers or teachers) as this provides better assessment of their learning
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  • explain TESTING
    one method of assessment, it uses tasks or exercises, marks or grades are assigned based on quantifiable results
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  • explain ASSESSMENT
    it uses different methods to gather information about a student's knowledge, skills, abilities, attitude and motivation
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    = summative, uses standardized tests to compare students knowledge to a given standard
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    = formative, it uses different methods (portfolios, observations, interviews, etc.) to provide more complex information about learners
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  • explain EVALUATION
    a process of getting information from many sources (parents, portfolios, grades, feedback forms, etc.) to determine the success of an educational program
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  • provide 3 reasons for assessing YLs
    to monitor & help their progress, to give evidence of progress, to boost motivation, to plan future work, to inform authorities
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  • 3 areas that we assess in YLs
    language skills, non-linguistic skills (motor, social, cognitive, emotional), knowledge, behavior, attitude, motivation, etc.
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  • name 3 different ASSESSMENT TOOLS
    tests, portfolios, observations, interviews, tutorials, reports, class activities, etc.
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  • give 3 types of TESTS
    standardized, achievement, placement, progress, proficiency, etc.
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  • what does SELF-ASSESSMENT promote?
    learner autonomy, setting and achieving learning goals, learning skills, etc.
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  • what does PEER-ASSESSMENT promote?
    positive classroom atmosphere and relationships among students & teacher, mutual respect, etc.
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  • 3 positives of TESTING
    easy to prepare, easy to administer, easy to mark & grade, can motivate learners
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  • 3 documents that can be stored in a PORTFOLIO
    learners' written work, HWK, drawings, projects, work results, self and peer assessment, books read, ...
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