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Common Exam Practice

  •  English    21     Public
    Common Exam Practice
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  • The Pacific Ocean is _______________ the Arctic Ocean. a) deeper than b) smaller than c) worse than
    a) deeper than
  •  15
  • Mercedes is as _____________________ BMW. a) expensive than b) more expensive than c) expensive as
    c) expensive as
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  • She is the ____ __________ woman I have ever seen. a) more beautiful b) most beautiful c) as beautiful
    b) most beautiful
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  • I’m busy right now – I____ ____ you tomorrow. a) will call b) called c) have called
    a) will call
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  • Waiter: “What would you like to eat?” Customer: “I think I’ll have the chicken.” We used "will" to __________________ in this sentence. a) make promise b) make predictions c) make decisions
    c) make decisions
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  • ______ you ever ______ to Italy? No, I have ______ been there. a) Has, been, ever b) Have, been, never c) Has, been, never
    b) Have, been, never
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  • What is the largest star known in the universe? a) the moon b) Jupiter c) the Sun
    c) the Sun
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  • Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are outer _____________. a) satellites b) stars c) planets
    c) planets
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  • Which planet is called "the blue planet?" a) Earth b) Venus c) Mercury
    a) Earth
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  • Most fish are __________. They lay their eggs to reproduce. a) viviparous b) oviparous c) carnivores
    b) oviparous
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  • Most of the mammals are ____________. They give birth to their babies. a) viviparous b) omnivores c) oviparous
    a) viviparous
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  • _____________ go through metamorphosis and turn into adults after the process. a) mammals b) birds c) amphibians
    c) amphibians
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  • The ________ is Earth's only natural satellite. a) Moon b) Sun c) Jupiter
    a) Moon
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  • A __________ is a moon, planet or machine that orbits a planet or star. a) orbit b) planet c) satellite
    c) satellite
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  • The Earth __________ around the Sun and it takes 365 days, 6 hours. a) flies b) revolves c) rotates
    b) revolves
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  • It takes the Earth 24 hours, or 1 day, to complete one _________ on its axis. a) rotation b) revolve c) orbit
    a) rotation
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