Game Preview

Ch. 14 A Broken Nation

  •  English    42     Public
    Pre-Civil War
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is a law enforcement officer who works for the United States government called?
    Federal Marshal
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  • What is racism?
    the belief that one race is better than others
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  • What is popular sovereignty?
    the idea that the residents of a region or nation decide an issue by voting
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  • What was the Republican Party?
    a political party founded in 1854 by antislavery leaders
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  • What was the Dred Scot Decision?
    a Supreme Court decision that African Americans held no rights as citizens and that the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was unconstitutional;
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  • What do you call a member of the Constitutional Union Party?
    a Unionist
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  • What is to formally withdraw from a nation or organization in order to become independent called?
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  • What was the Confederacy?
    the 11 southern states that seceded from the Union to form their own nation, the Confederate States of America
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  • What was the Crittenden Plan?
    a proposal by federal government - would have no power to abolish slavery in the states where it already existed; the Missouri Compromise line moves to Pacific
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  • What do you call a defense force of soldiers?
    a garrison
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  • What was main goal of the Free-Soil Party?
    to expand slavery into new territories and states
    to prevent settlement in new territories and states
    to open new states and territories for settlement
    to keep slavery out of new territories and states
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  • What was the Pony Express?
    mail service between the East and the West
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  • Which statement describes the situation of free African Americans in the South?
    Encouraged to organize their own churches and schools.
    Rights to vote, own property, and travel freely was limited
    Free African Americans could assemble in large groups.
    Free African Americans lived only in the northern states.
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  • What was one provision of the Compromise of 1850?
    It prohibited slavery in territories won from Mexico.
    It admitted California as a free state.
    It decided all conflicts about slavery
    It admitted California as a slave state.
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  • Why did some plantation owners present the Ostend Manifesto to the U.S. government?
    They wanted free African Americans out of the South.
    They wanted a good relationship with Spain
    They wanted to pay less for manufactured goods.
    They wanted Cuba to be a new slave state.
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  • What opinion did southern leaders have about tariffs?
    Tariffs helped the North by raising the price of manufactured goods.
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