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16th Century Spain!

  •  English    22     Public
    The kingdoms of Carlos I and Felipe II
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  • After Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castilla died, WHO became the new monarch?
    Carlos I!
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  • Who INHERITED territories in CENTRAL and NORTHERN EUROPE and ITALY? Carlos I or Felipe II?
    Carlos I!
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  • Who incorporated the PHILIPPINES and the kingdom of PORTUGAL into his territories? Carlos I or Felipe II?
    Felipe II!
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  • Where was Carlos I born?
    He was born and raised in the Netherlands!
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  • Problems with Carlos I CAUSED these TWO revolts: The Revolt of the C______ and of the G_______.
    The Revolt of the "Comunidades" (Comuneros) and the "Germanias" (Brotherhoods)!
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  • Felipe II faced a REBELLION of the _____ in Granada in 1568.
    The Moors!
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  • Which PROTESTANT COUNTRY SUPPORTED the uprising AGAINST Felipe II in the Netherlands?
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  • In 1556, Carlos I divided his empire between TWO family members: ____ and ____.
    Fernando I and Felipe II!
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  • Fernando I inherited WHICH part of Carlos I's empire?
    The Holy Roman Empire!
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  • In 1580, WHO inherited PORTUGAL because the king had DIED without children?
    Felipe II!
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  • Who inherited Brazil and other colonies after the death the king of Portugal?
    Felipe II!
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  • HOW was Fernando I RELATED to Carlos I? Fernando I is the ____ of Carlos I.
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  • How was Felipe II related to Carlos I? Felipe II is the ____ of Carlos i!
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  • ______ INHERITED the Netherlands from Carlos I.
    Felipe II!
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  • INITIALLY, how did the Aztects REACT to the arrival of Cortes and his military?
    The Aztecs believed they were gods.
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  • What was the Aztec capital?
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