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Fake or For real?

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  •  English    16     Public
    Are these headlines fake or for real?
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  • Nasa is installing internet on the moon
    For real! "This is really happening! Nasa will be building a 4G network on the moon, enabling them to control lunar robots." - The Guardian
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  • A university banned the use of capital letters to avoid scaring students
    Fake! "Some real guidance given by a university was mis-reported to seem more dramatic." - The Guardian
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  • Couple in California name baby with emoji
    Fake! "This story was completely made up and shared by a satirical news site. If you're unsure about a story, remember to question the source." - The Guardian
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  • Eight-year-old girl pulls medieval sword from lake
    For Real! This happened in Sweden.
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  • German street covered in chocolate after leak from chocolate factory
    For real! "This delicious accident really happened - a tonne of chocolate leaked from a chocolate factory in Westönnen, covering the pavement." - The Guardian
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  • School bans parents from sports day for bad behaviour
    For Real! "This is real! A school banned parents from attending sports day after becoming too competitive and threatening staff." - The Guardian
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  • Spinach is taught how to send e-mails
    For Real! "This viral story seems too good to be true, but was reported by trustworthy news sources like The Telegraph and Huffington Post." - The Guardian
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  • Gorilla learns to knit
    Fake! "Gorillas are impressive, but they haven't mastered knitting yet. This was a fake story, based off a fake photo on the internet." - The Guardian
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  • Teenager fined £100 for feeding a chip to a pigeon
    For Real! "Yes this really happened" - The Guardian
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  • Two-headed sharks found
    Fake! "If something sounds impossible, there is a good chance it is not true." - The Guardian
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  • Police in Germany rescue man chased by baby squirrel
    For Real! "The police sent out a patrol car to help, but luckily the chase ended when the baby squirrel curled up and fell asleep." - The Guardian
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  • Canadian zoo fined after taking bear out for ice-cream
    For Real! "There is video evidence of this happening, so we know it is true." - The Guardian
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  • Elderly woman trains 65 cats to steal from her neighbours
    Fake! "If a headline contains big numbers it's a clue that it might be clickbait - it's trying to get you to click on the page to make money from advertising."
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  • Camel survives after losing half of its body
    Fake! "This story was based on a fake photo - and you know you shouldn't trust pictures on the internet!" - The Guardian
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  • Skittles used instead of salt to help clear ice and snow from roads in Canada
    Fake! "Rainbow coloured roads might have been quite pretty, but very sticky!" - The Guardian
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  • Criminal farts so loudly he gives away his hiding place
    For Real! "The original source for this story was a post on social media from the local sheriff's department" - The Guardian
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