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Final exam questions(7.Free time)

  •  English    13     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Tell me 5 free time activities that families can do together.
    play boardgames, play cards, go to the zoo,walk in the park, go to the cinema
  •  15
  • What animals can you see in a zoo?/5/
    giraffe, elephants, lions, tigers, hippos
  •  15
  • Tell me 5 hobbies.
    gardening, playing football, cooking, reading books, watching films
  •  15
  • Tell me 5 kinds of films.
    horror, detective stories, adventures, romantic comedies, thrillers
  •  15
  • Invite a friend to the cinema.
    Why don't we go to the cinema tonight? there's a good film on.
  •  15
  • Suggest a place to meet a friend before the film starts in the cinema.
    Let's meet in front of the cinema.
  •  15
  • tell me 5 individual sports
    running, swimming,horse racing, wrestling,boxing
  •  15
  • Tell me 5 team sports.
    football, volleyball, basketball, waterpolo,rugby
  •  15
  • 5 successful Hungarian sports
    swimming, kayaking,skating, waterpolo,penthatlon
  •  15
  • What are the advantages of watching TV?
    you get information, have a good time, relax
  •  15
  • disadvantages of watching TV
    get fat, watch bad films
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  • what do you think of TV commercials?
    sometimes funny, but they disturb us
  •  15
  • What sport do you do?
    I am lazy/IO don't have time/I played basketball, but i gave it up./I play football
  •  15