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Exam 2 Review

  •  English    41     Public
    Biology 105 Principles of Biology, metabolism, cellular respiration, glycolysis, Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, fermentation, photosynthesis, cell communication,
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  • #1: What happens to the heat generated when a cell does work (chemical, transport, or mechanical)?
    It is lost to the environment
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  • 2) Which of the following occurs in glycolysis?
    Glucose is converted to pyruvate
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  • #3: Spontaneous chemical reactions have a [positive/negative] free energy. Enzymes increase the [rate/direction] of reactions by [increasing/decreasing] the energy of activation but [do/do not] change the ΔG of the reaction.
    negative, rate, decreasing, do not,
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  • Extra ?... TRUE or FALSE: A reaction that has ΔG= 17 kcal/mol is a spontaneous reaction
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  • #4: TRUE or FALSE: A cell at equilibrium is a dead cell.
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  • #5: The ΔG of an enzyme catalyzed reaction was measured in lab and was -20 kcal/mol. If you repeat the experiment with twice the amount of enzyme, what will the ΔG of the new reaction be?
    -20 kcal/mol
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  • #6: Molecule D inhibits its own synthesis via a negative feedback pathway; which part of the pathway is it MOST LIKELY to interact with?
    Enzyme 1
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  • #7: Chemical reactions that build large molecules from smaller molecules are------- reactions; an example of this type of reaction in a metabolic pathway is-------.
    Anabolic / photosynthesis
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  • #8: TRUE or FALSE; When a molecule is oxidized, the molecule gains an electron.
    False ( OIL- RIG: Oxidation Is Losing - Reduction Is Gaining)
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  • #9: TRUE vs FALSE: Fermentation is an anabolic and anaerobic process that does not need ATP
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  • #10: TRUE vs FALSE: Molecule Y is an allosteric regulator of an enzyme, which means it binds to the active site of the molecule and prevents the enzyme’s ligand from binding, thereby inhibiting the enzyme’s activity.
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  • #11: ATP is formed by chemiosmosis during which two processes?
    Oxidative Phosphorylation and the Light Reactions
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  • #12: Why is glycolysis considered to be one of the first metabolic pathways to have evolved?
    It occurs in the cytosol, does not require oxygen and is found in most organisms
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  • #13: Fermentation is important in organisms because it
    Regenerates NAD+
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  • #14: In the Krebs Cycle, which occurs in the _____________________, the rest of the carbon from glucose is converted to ____________, and more _______ , which is made by __________________.
    mitochondrial matrix, CO2, ATP, substrate level phosphorylation
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  • #15: Which of the following types of molecules can be used as an energy source in cellular respiration?
    Proteins, amino acids, Carbohydrates, Fats, fatty acids
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