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NSG223 Exam 4 Review

  •  English    25     Public
    Mod 11-13
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  • List ways to prevent cancer.
    Healthy diet/lifestyle/weight; vaccines; screening; no smoking; avoid environmental exposure
  •  15
  • At what age is mammography currently recommended for screening for breast cancer for someone without a family history.
    Depends on who you ask. Can start at age 40; 45-54 yearly; 55+ biannual
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  • Explain the lung cancer screening guidelines.
    Age 55+ with 30 pack/year smoking history; currently smoking or quit within 15 years
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  • What does T1 N1, M0 mean?
    Tumor size, near lymph node spread, no metastasis
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  • What is stage 2 cancer?
    Cancer has grown but has not spread
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  • What is the goal of adjuvant therapy chemotherapy?
    destroy remaining tumor cells after surgery
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  • Which chemotherapy induce breaks in DNA strand by binding to topoisomerase, preventing cells from dividing?
    Topoisomerase Inhibitors
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  • Which chemotherapy interferes with biosynthesis of metabolites or nucleic acids necessary for RNA and DNA synthesis?
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  • What is extravasation?
    IV medication/fluid leaks outside the vein
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  • Which condition is monitored using the Amsler grid?
    Macular Degeneration
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  • Which disorder is characterized by lens opacity?
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  • What is a Kernig Sign?
    resistance to leg extension when laying down and lifting leg
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  • What is Brudzinski's sign?
    when laying flat, lift neck up and legs go up also
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  • Which form of meningitis if most contagious?
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  • Which eye disorder is caused by increased ocular pressure?
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  • What does each letter of BEFAST stand for?
    Balance, Eyes, Facial droop, Arm weakness, Speech, time
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