Game Preview

Self-Esteem and Mental Health

  •  English    21     Public
    Review for chapter 3
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is an example of a short term goal?
    Ex: Complete my assignments all week or Beat a level of a video game
  •  15
  • What is an example of a long-term goal?
    Ex: Graduate high school or save up for a house
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  • What does this "S" in SMART goal stand for?
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  • Why is this NOT a SMART goal: "I will get a job"
    It is not specific or time sensitive
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  • What are two examples of positive character traits?
    Answers may vary
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  • What is an example of a hurtful comment (not constructive feedback)?
    Ex: Your drawing is awful!
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  • What is an example of constructive feedback?
    EX: "Try shading in the edges to give your drawing more dimension"
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  • How could you reframe this negative thought into positive self-talk: "I'm boring. They don't want to talk to me"
    Ex: Maybe we will have similar interests and I'll make a new friend
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  • The tone and volume of your voice can change your message. If you want someone to watch out for a danger hazard, what should your tone of voice be?
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  • The tone and volume of your voice can change your message. If your sibling stole your shirt, what might your tone be?
    Annoyed, upset, mad
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  • “I” statements help us communicate how we feel without blaming or criticizing the other person. How could you reword the following “you” statement: “Your music's so loud. You only think about yourself.”?
    Potential Answer: I feel frustrated when you play your music loudly, because it’s hard for me to focus on my homework.
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  • Active listening shows others that you’re paying attention. How can you actively listen?
    Potential Answers: take turns when talking, ask questions about what they’re talking about
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  • What is an example of non-verbal communication?
    Potential Answers: emojis in texting; body language like nodding, smiling, crossing your arms
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  • If someone wants you to do something you don’t want to or don’t have time to do, you need to be assertive. You can say “No, thanks.” What is something else you can say?
    Potential answers: “I need space.” “Can we do this later?” “I feel overwhelmed right now” “No, I’m not comfortable with that.”
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  • What comes first in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: Self-esteem Physical needs Self-actualization
    Physical Needs
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  • Name one adult someone your age could go to for help.
    Ex: family member, neighbor, coach, school counselor, therapist, teacher, faith leader, etc.
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