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March/April Idioms

  •  English    11     Public
    March/Spring Idioms
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  • Mad As A March Hare
    Your idea is silly or irrational
  •  15
  • March Comes in Like a Lion and Goes Out Like A Lamb
    March has bad weather in the beginning and good weather at the end
  •  15
  • Heart of Gold
    You're a kind person; you did something nice for someon
  •  15
  • Don't push your luck
    Don't keep doing that or you'll be in trouble
  •  15
  • The grass isn't greener
    Things aren't always better someplace else
  •  15
  • Don't put all your eggs in one basket
    Don't rely on one thing, give yourself options
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  • A stick in the mud
    A person who ruins the fun
  •  15
  • It's a jungle out there/ in here
    A lot of shenanigans, monkeying around; it's a mess
  •  15
  • My mind is wandering
    I'm daydreaming; I'm thinking about something else
  •  15
  • I lost my mind
    I'm acting or behaving in a silly or crazy way
  •  15
  • I can't put it down
    I choose not to stop
  •  15