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  •  English    20     Public
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  • Enjoy yourself: Feel happy because of a situation or an event in which you took part.
    VERB: Enjoy yourself of fun because it is a very nice party.
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  • Find yourself: Realize that you are in a particular situation or place.
    VERB: When I saw the movie I find myself in the character.
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  • Help yourself: Serve yourself something, usually food, drink or toys.
    VERB: Help yourself is not a bad idea.
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  • Look at yourself: To see yourself literally or figuratively.
    VERB: Look at yourself and you will know who you are.
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  • Remind yourself: To help yourself remember something.
    VERB: Remind yourself not to use the phone in class.
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  • See yourself: To imagine yourself as something else.
    VERB: See yourself is very easy in front of the mirror but not scaring us.
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  • Tell yourself: To describe something in words to yourself.
    VERB: Tell yourself that you are unique and unrepeatable.
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  • Think to yourself: To use the mind to form ideas, make decision or reason without speaking one´s thoughts.
    VERB: Think for yourself in order to solve problems.
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  • Wake yourself: To stop yourself from sleeping.
    VERB: I wake yourself when the alarm sound.
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  • Last night: The evening or night inmediately before the present.
    Adjective: I went to bed very late last night.
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  • Rhinoceros: Animal from Asia or Africa that has one or two horns on its nose.
    NOUN: Those rhinoceros are very big.
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  • History: Past event considered together, especially events of a particular period, conuntry or subject.
    NOUN: I read history every night.
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  • Lucid: Clearly expressed and easy to understand, thinking o speaking clearly.
    ADJECTIVE: I am speaking very lucid.
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  • Legends: A very old story or set of stories from ancient times, or the stories, not always true.
    NOUN: I like all the legends but especially the chupacabra.
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  • Sand: A substance that consists of very small grains of rock, found on eaches and in deserts.
    NOUN: In the desert there is a lot of sand.
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  • Share: To have or use something at the same time as someone else.
    VERB: They share riding a bicycle.
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