Game Preview

Context Clues Vocabulary

  •  English    15     Public
    Use paragraph context to determine meaning of a word
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  • I showed up early for practice and my coach asked to go and FETCH the soccer balls for the team. I went and got the soccer balls from the storage bag. Sometimes I can feel a little GROUCHY when I am asked to do chores, but I love soccer.
    Fetch: go and get something. Grouchy: in a bad mood.
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  • Daron wats to buy a baseball glove. He knows that he will need to earn more money in order to AFFORD a new one. Daron only has a few dollars but he knows he is CAPABLE of earning more money.
    AFFORD: have enough money to buy. CAPABLE: able to do something.
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  • John and Timothy IMMEDIATELY start throwing snowballs at their mother as soon as she comes outside. She smiles and asks the boys to wait for a few seconds. John and Timothy both PAUSE making snowballs to give their mom time to join in.
    1. Doing something without delay 2. To stop for a short time.
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  • The JUMBO burger at the hamburger shop was large enough to feed three people. I bit into it and noticed the sauce had an ODD taste that I was not familiar with tasting.
    1. big 2. strange
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  • David enjoys reading. He FREQUENTLY goes to the library to check out books. Sometimes, he goes five days a week. It is not UNUSUAL to see him at the library.
    1. sometimes 2. out of the ordinary
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  • Noah was feeling GLOOMY because his pet dog ran away. I called Noah to cheer him up, but he said he would PREFER to be along right now rather than talk to me.
    1. sad 2. liking one thing more than others
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  • Chad PEERED into the aquarium looking for seahorses hiding among all the fish. If Chad was WEALTHY and had more than enough money, he would buy his own aquarium because he loves them so much.
    1. looked very hard at something 2. to have a lot of money
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  • Normally, it would be RIDICULOUS to wear crazy socks to school, but it was spirit week. That means, the Principal PERMITS students to have themed days where they can wear funny clothes for one week.
    1. silly 2. allows
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  • Jason loves playing football. He wants to INCREASE his playing time so that he can be out on the field more. His coach would play Jason more if it would BENEFIT the team because he wants to win. Jason wants to become better.
    1. go up in amount 2. help
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  • Paula is a MATURE girl. She often acts older than her age. Her room is always TIDY, with the bed made and the toys put away. Her mother is thankful she likes to be organized and clean.
    1. responsible 2. neat
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  • We heard a SCREECHING sound that hurt our ears, then we hit the car in front of us. It was a terrible accident, but everyone involved was able to walk away with only MINOR cuts and bruises. It was a relief no one was badly hurt.
    1. a loud-pitched noise 2. less serious
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  • These are wild deer, but they are acting TAME around us. We must remember to not get too close or touch them even if they do not seem FRIGHTENED of us. Let's keep our distance.
    1. Gentle and not wild 2. scared
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  • Vicky had a HORRIBLE cold. Her nose was running, her throat hurt, and she had a cough. She was getting DROWSY and knew she would feel better after a nap.
    1. awful 2. sleepy
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  • Beth let out a GIGGLE as she was trying to save her melting ice cream from spilling. Beth asked her brother to do her a FAVOR and get her a napkin. There is no way she would be able to do it herself.
    1. laugh in a silly or nervous way 2. doing something nice for another
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  • My family and I have started a new healthy meal plan at our home. We have decided to AVOID eating junk food, and instead, REPLACE those items with fruits and veggies. Now, instead of popcorn, I chose an apple.
    1. stay away from 2. substitute
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