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Creating a New Government

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  • Congress is made up of
    House of Representatives and Senate
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  • law making branch of government
    Legislative Branch
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  • branch of government that executes laws
    Executive Branch
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  • The branch of government that interprets the laws (constitutional)
    Judicial Branch
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  • Separation of Powers
    Constitutional division of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, with the legislative branch making law, the executive apply...
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  • Popular Sovereignty
    A government in which the people rule by their own consent.
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  • 3/5 Compromise
    -each slave would count for 3/5 of a person for taxation and representation purposes
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  • Northern View of Slavery
    -illegal since the Revolution-had abolitionist societies, newspapers and Underground Railroad -had mixed thoughts about free blacks
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  • Southern View of Slavery
    -slaves viewed as property and labor supply-aided in the development of plantation systems and agricultural southern sectionalism-considered a state's...
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  • Checks and Balances
    A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power
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  • Who makes up the Executive Branch?
    President, Vice President, Cabinet
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  • Who makes up the legislative branch?
    Congress (House of Representatives and Senate)
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  • Who makes up the Judicial Branch?
    Supreme and federal courts
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  • Purpose for popular sovereignty
    People wanted to hold the power and not have one central governing unit
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  • U.S. Senate
    a part of Congress; based on a equal number. 2 per state
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  • House of Representatives
    435 Members, based on population of the state
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