Game Preview

About Fuel

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  •  English    10     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Fossil fuels cause air and water pollution. (true or false)
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  • We increase fuel burning to obtain …………………
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  • In electric power stations, when turbines move, they produce………………. energy
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  • The type of fuel used in electric power stations is ………………
    fossil fuel
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  • They are sources of energy that are used at a faster rate than they can be replaced.
    non-renewable resources
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  • All the following actions don’t conserve electrical energy, except……………… a) Unplugging unused electrical appliances. b) Turning on all the houses lights all day long. c) Leaving the televisions turned on all day long.
    Unplugging unused electrical appliances
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  • The burning of fossil fuels inside electric power stations produces potential energy. (true or false)
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  • Public means of transportation must be used to conserve the usage of …………………….
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  • We must grow plants that don’t need large amounts of water for irrigation to conserve the water. (true or false)
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  • Global warming means……………..
    increasing the Earth’s temperature.
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