Game Preview


  •  English    26     Public
    DAY 8
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Is the latest villain a small or a big problem?
    She is a very, very, very big problem.
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  • What’s her name?
    Her name is Tina Tantrum.
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  • What happens when Tina gets angry?
    She becomes a real problem because, whenever she gets angry, she has a fit and destroys the city.
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  • What is she going to do if Ben and Brenda don’t stop her?
    She is going to ruin the city.
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  • Why is Tina so angry?
    She wanted to buy a dress, but the shop didn’t have any dresses in her size and the shop assistant told her they didn’t make dresses for giants.
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  • What did Tina do then?
    She had a tantrum.
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  • What are Ben and Brenda doing?
    They are coming up with a plan to stop Tina from destroying the city.
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  • What superpower is Ben going to use?
    Ben is going to use the superpower of flight.
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  • What is he going to use this superpower for?
    He is going to fly to the harbour to get a rope off a ship and tie Tina up.
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  • What superpowers is Brenda going to use?
    She is going to use the superpower of strength and the superpower of invisibility.
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  • What is she going to use her superpowers for?
    She is going to hold Tina’s legs down.
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  • What has Tina destroyed so far?
    She has made the shop and the traffic lights collapse.
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  • Where is Ben and what is he doing?
    He is at the harbour, getting a very big rope off a ship.
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  • What is Brenda doing?
    She is holding Tina’s legs down.
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  • What does Ben do while Brenda is holding Tina’s legs down?
    He flies around Tina to tie her up.
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  • Why is Tina crying?
    She is crying because she wants a dress.
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