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Events that led to the American Revolution

  •  English    11     Public
    Events that occurred prior to the revolution
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Who invented the bifocals?
    Benjamin Franklin
  •  15
  • How did the British try to pay for the French and Indian war?
    By taxing products that the colonists bought.
  •  25
  • Name two ACTS that the British created to tax products.
    Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts.
  •  20
  • How did the Sons and Daughters of Liberty plan protests and boycotts?
    They had secret meetings and used code words.
  •  15
  • What did the Daughters of Liberty do well?
    Boycotted British products.
  •  10
  • Who was the King of Britain during this time?
    King George III
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  • What was the Quartering Act?
    British law that allowed British soldiers to live in any colonial home they wanted to.
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  • Describe why the colonists wanted liberty?
    They wanted to free of British oppression and taxes.
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  • Who did the colonists try to blame for throwing the tea into Boston Harbor?
    Mohawk Indians
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  • Name some examples of boycotting the Daughters of Liberty did well.
    Made their own clothes, tea and sold colonial products and not British products.
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  • Describe the Boston Tea Party
    Colonists dumped 300 boxes of tea into the Boston Harbor so they could not profit from the sales or taxes.
  •  15