Game Preview

Basic 3 - Unit 1 - Day 3

  •  English    13     Public
    Guess what's happening
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Where is Superman going now? (look for)
    He's looking for Lex Luthor.
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  • Why is Andrew looking at his phone at this time? (text)
    He's texting his girlfriend.
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  • Why is Sarah reading? (study)
    She's studying for a test.
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  • Why is the baby crying? (feel)
    She's feeling hungry.
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  • Where are the kids going now? (run)
    They're running to the classroom.
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  • Why is the dog staring at the bowl? (wait)
    He's waiting for the command to start eating.
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  • Why are you learning English? (try to understand)
    I'm trying to understand movies without subtitles.
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  • Why are they playing anymore? (take)
    They're taking a break to drink water.
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  • Why is she drinking coffee? (feel)
    She's feeling tired and sleeping.
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  • Why is Lucas swimming? (practice)
    He's practicing for a competition.
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  • Why is nobody speaking? (talk about)
    The teacher is talking about the test.
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  • Why isn't my mother answering the phone? (charge)
    Her phone is charging.
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  • Why are they looking at a map? (look for)
    They're looking for a hotel.
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