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Gene Mutations

  •  English    15     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Humans have how many chromosomes TOTAL?
  •  15
  • Any change in the structure or number of chromosomes is defined as:
    Chromosomal mutation
  •  15
  • What are the 3 types of Chromosomal Mutations?
    Deletion, Duplication, Translocation
  •  15
  • When material is swapped with another pair of chromosomes it is defined as what type of chromosomal mutation?
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  • Any change to the DNA sequence of a gene is defined as a:
    Gene mutation
  •  15
  • What are the 4 organic bases (letters)?
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  • When only one base is substituted or deleted from a DNA sequence and the rest of the sequence stays healthy, what type of gene mutation is that?
    Point Mutation
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  • True/False: Mutations are always planned and can never occur randomly.
  •  15
  • What type of chromosomal mutation is shown in the following image:
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  • A mutated gene will make a mutated ______________.
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  • What type of mutation is shown given the example sentence THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT: -- THE FTC ATA TET HER AT
    Frameshift deletion
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  • What is a gamete?
    A sex cell produced from meiosis (sperm or egg)
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  • When does a gene mutation occur?
    DNA replication
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  • When does a chromosome mutation occur?
  •  15
  • What is an inherited mutation?
    A mutation passed on from parent to offspring.
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